One of my clients, who I absolutely adore working with, shared with me that before she met me she spoke with a business coach, let’s call him John, to see how he can help her grow her business. When she told him what her business goals are he informed her that in order to achieve these goals she needs a lot, weekends included, no time for family, travel pleasure… Just work!
“Did you run?”, I asked.
“YES!” That’s why I’m here, she replied.

She was surprised that I shared with her that cultivating her feminine energy is essential to growing her business. That includes working from the space of pleasure, delegating more to her team, working more “on” her business instead of “in” her business, traveling, having time for self-care, a cup of coffee at her favorite cafe, dressing up, and treating herself to spa treatments.
Now that we have worked together for almost a year, her revenue grew more than 100%, she is supported by her amazing team, delegating like a Queen, traveling and managing her business from anywhere she is, and living a more luxurious lifestyle.
She really loves the success she has created and the way she created it.
We always enjoy a heartfelt LOL when we, occasionally, bring up John’s theory on how to make money in business.
Almost every day I see the same pattern in what women think is required to build a highly profitable business. The generational programming and modern marketing training, followed by many coaches, favors 70 hours work weeks, lack of self-care, multitasking, and working on weekends.
I’m not saying that these approaches don’t work; they might work for some women.
These women, however, usually end up feeling disconnected, sad, overworked, overwhelmed, like their life is passing them by, and often questioning if it all makes sense.
I see a new awareness is growing in the world. Many women feel deep inside that there must be another way. These women are saying NO to the status quo and purely masculine way of creating profit. They have a deep desire to grow, expand professionally AND, at the same time, create the space to have a loving, romantic relationship with their partner, time to rest, practice self-care, and feel FEMININE AND SENSUAL. SENSUAL means to live your life with all your senses activated and engaged.
I’m not saying that masculine energy is wrong… I love masculine energy!
Masculine energy is more the energy of structure, systems, organization, numbers, it is very logical. It comes more from the head space and is about giving. For us women, it is intended to be in support of our natural feminine energy.
Have you noticed that in many images from ancient times the gods have both masculine and feminine organs? This represents the power that they possessed when they combined feminine energy and masculine energy.
The feminine is all about intuition, allowing ourselves to be guided, incorporating pleasure and play in our lives and work, being open to receive what we truly desire, following our “gut feeling” instead of being purely logical.
Problems can arise when we women operate only in masculine energy. When this takes place for an extended period of time, and often as a result of our upbringing, we can feel drained. The reason for that is that being only in the masculine is not our natural state.
Businesses grow, revenue expands, and financial freedom, luxury and travel become the “NEW NORMAL”.
- LEARN THE DIFFERENCE. Become more aware which energy you are in and choose to be more in your feminine.
- CHECK IN. Check in with yourself during the day. The old behaviors need to be recognized first to be transformed.
- ALLOW. Allow yourself the time to be in your feminine energy. Create time for journaling, meditation and connecting with your intuition.
- LISTEN. Listen to your intuition and learn to trust it. If something doesn’t feel good, it often turns out not to be to your benefit.
- TRUST. Learn to trust your intuitive guidance. The more you will trust and rely on it the stronger your intuition will become.
- APPRECIATE. Femininity is a journey. It is a beautiful journey that never ends and it is better and better as you go. Be good and patient with yourself.
- MASTERY. Remember that mastery requires time and cultivating your new skills. Enjoy the process fully.
Becoming more feminine is an art and a skill. As with any skill, it is something that you can learn and master. It is available and waiting for you to welcome it into your life.
I invite you to take the first step today.