Most luxury business owners and their organizations aspire to work with affluent clients. It means high value transactions, interesting customers, inspiring opportunities and greater profitability.
There are many advantages that come with being in the ultra luxury market. There are also 3 hidden truths about working with elite clients that most business owners and their teams don’t realize.
What we have discovered over the years is that limiting beliefs related to luxury, money and working with affluent clients are what often hold many talented, passionate and hard working professionals from being real players in luxury markets.
The first hidden truth is: The clients you attract, the market you are serving and the success you are experiencing are often a clear reflection of your own beliefs.

Imagine talking to a potential ideal client and your beliefs are “They will not buy from me” or “They won’t work with me”.
Your beliefs impact your self-confidence, your body language, the way you communicate, and the energy you project that affluent people can feel. When they sense your lack of confidence, they will find reasons not to work with you.
Elite clients are drawn to winners—people who exude confidence and success. By developing an empowered mindset, you not only give your clients a reason to choose you, but you also shift the dynamic. No longer will you chase clients; instead, they will be drawn to you. In essence, if you don’t believe in yourself, how can you expect an elite client to believe in you? Confidence is the key that unlocks their trust.
The second hidden truth about working with elite clients is that; Your luxury mindset needs to match the luxury mindset of your clients.
This includes your attitude toward money. In other words, when your beliefs about money and luxury are very different from your clients, it creates a disconnect that makes it harder for potential clients to relate to you and for you to relate to them. As a result, it becomes challenging to create opportunities or establish relationships with them because you’re operating from different perspectives on enjoying the benefits of wealth and success.
To put it simply, if you are not comfortable with luxury and wealth, the clients you seek will not be comfortable with you.
The third hidden truth in working with the most elite clients is: Every new level in your business requires a new level in your mindset!
One of the most common beliefs that many aspiring to be in the luxury market believe is; “I need to work hard to make money” or “The only way I can make more money is if I work with more people and close more transactions.”
This is a mindset that is prevalent in a business model of churning out a large number of lower value transactions to make money. That is not conducive to a luxury mindset.
If you develop this belief it becomes true to you and, as a result, you start creating circumstances in alignment with it. This belief creates a self imposed glass ceiling that you keep hitting that keeps you from appealing to the elite clients you want to serve.
Mindset challenges are something that we all have – we all struggle with them no matter how successful we are.
Yet, transforming limiting beliefs can be done and it is extremely powerful. We have numerous clients who have stepped up to the luxury market by changing the way they think about luxury, money and themselves. It can become a source of strength and ability to reach your fullest potential and new level in your business.
To put it simply, elite clients are looking for ease. They want to work with people that work smart, not HARD.
There are 3 stages in our coaching process that we use to help our clients transform their limiting beliefs to become successful in the luxury market.
The first stage. Our process of transforming limiting beliefs starts with bringing awareness to your most common thoughts and beliefs about money, luxury and success. What are the “truths” that you keep repeating in your mind and when you talk to others?
I know it sounds simple but the consequences are absolutely monumental because most people are totally unaware of the endless, self destructive cycle of repeating their limiting beliefs and the impact they have on their business. Without your awareness of your limiting beliefs very little can be changed. You recycle the same, old patterns but you don’t really move forward and feel stuck and unfulfilled.
The second stage. It is all about questioning the validity of your beliefs.
You have absolutely no idea how a simple question like, “IS IT TRUE?” can change your perception of reality. It is the catalyst to the changes in your life.
The third stage. In order for your new beliefs to be accepted by both your subconscious and conscious mind, they need to be conditioned. The way we do it is by teaching you how to practice thinking, speaking and living in alignment with your new beliefs on a daily basis. With time and repetition new brain neural pathways are built and the new beliefs become your primary beliefs.
In business your self-limiting beliefs lead to self-sabotage. Your self-empowering beliefs lead to success, self-fulfillment and working with clients that you are truly passionate to serve.
These are two ways of the ways that we support our clients in transforming their limiting beliefs to work with global elites:
- LDV Elite 2-Day VIP Intensives – elevate your business in 2 days with a highly personalized 2-day immersion designed to address the issues that hold you back, accelerate your business growth and uplevel your brand.
2. Elevate – transform every aspect of your business and life with our highly curated private coaching program.
Renia M. Orr – a business coach, brand strategist and the owner of with over 30 years of experience in the luxury market. Her purpose is to help business owners build highly profitable businesses and inspire personal growth.
She is a speaker for Fortune 500 companies, appearing on NBC TV and other television programming. Renia was born and educated in Warsaw Poland where she received her MBA in Management. She now lives in Palm Beach with her husband Sean and a beautiful Havanese, Dolce.